When these conditions are present to any significant degree,
you and your team will definitely be blocked from being effective and
productive. These three obstacles are
closely related through a common factor that, if dealt with separately, could
resolve all three. That common factor is
FEAR. Patrick Lencioni and Kensuke
Okabayashi only use the word fear in the 2nd level of their pyramid
model in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: An Illustrated Leadership
Fable. Singapore: John Wiley & Sons (Asia), 2008. In reality, all five dysfunctions have a fear
Let’s analyze fear as the paralyzing force that
prevents the leader from taking action and the behavior that keeps team members
from being engaged fully. The first one
is taken directly from Lencioni and Okabayashi’s work.
1. FEAR OF CONFLICT – There are numerous reasons why people do not
want to engage in disagreement and in some cases feel like they cannot possibly
do so without feeling even worse. While
this condition will keep an individual or a team from making any significant
progress, the first thing to understand is that there is seldom any productive
outcome without some debate, disagreement and open, honest discussion or better
yet, dialogue.
David Bohm in his book, On Dialogue (1996) puts it this
way. He says that “Dialogue,” comes from the greek ‘dialogos.’ Logos means ‘the
word’ or in this case, ‘the meaning of the word,’ and ‘dia’ means ‘through’ –
it doesn’t mean ‘two.’ He goes on: “A dialogue can be among any number of
people, not just two. Even one person can have a sense of dialogue with
himself.” Bohm says dialogue “will make possible a flow of meaning…out of which
may emerge some new understanding…which may not have been in the starting point
at all.”
“Discussion,” Bohm says, “has the same root as
‘percussion’ and ‘concussion’ and really means to break things up.” Discussion,
therefore, is a process of analyzing and breaking up and “will not get us far
beyond our various points of view.” Rather, “the object of the game is to win
or gain points for yourself.” Dialogue
helps everyone to win.
This is
related to the fear of conflict since that is what is “assumed” will happen if
you confront another person with a legitimate question and genuine concern
about that person’s (or group) behavior that appears to be contributing to the
lack of progress. It could be anything
from inactive participation to outright negative comments that derail and deter
forward movement. That often comes from
those opposed to change and who are wed to the status quo. Understanding their motivation and what lies
behind their behavior could be helpful.
A team
leader needs the courage that will overcome the fear of wading into the water
without feeling like he or she will be swamped with an incoming tide of
disapproval and criticism. Harry Truman
is credited with the quote, “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the
kitchen.” The implication is clear. If you don’t deal well with criticism and
disapproval and you do not have the confidence and self-esteem to hold your
ground and take a stand, then you may not be the best person to lead the team.
It is also
possible that others on the team can be allies in helping to hold fellow team
members accountable so that the entire burden does not fall on just the
leader. And, if holding others
accountable is not seen as a burden but as an opportunity to solve a problem,
early intervention is a good strategy.
It is easy
to say, “Just get over it,” because at some point, every person and every team
fails and it does not destroy the person nor the team. The truth is that without a few failures, you
might not know what doesn’t work and be very surprised when something does not
meet your standard or your expectation.
As Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t
A recent USC study shows failure is a
rewarding experience when the brain has a chance to assess its options and
mistakes. In another study, Francesca Gino, Bradley
Staats and Chris Myers examine individuals’ differing reactions to failure,
finding that when individuals accept and internalize a failure, they learn and
improve their performance significantly more than those who externalize or
blame their failure on outside forces.
(Think sports’ teams!)
So for those that seek to promote a thriving,
positive workplace, it’s critical to mind the environment to make sure that it
is providing a developmental space for people to respond resiliently to
failures, setbacks and other adversities (both big and small). Research by Gretchen
Spreitzer at the University of Michigan reminds us that a key component of
individuals’ thriving at work is related to the opportunity for ongoing
learning and improvement embedded in their work environment.
If you can look at failure as an opportunity
to learn, not as something to be avoided, that shift alone can help greatly to
remove the fear.
CONCLUSION: Fear is an
obstacle and paralyzes people, at least most of the time. On the other hand, there can be a positive
aspect of fear such as the fear of an oncoming car in the wrong lane that
precipitates a positive response and avoiding a collision.
“The land of excellence is safely guarded
from unworthy intruders. At the gates
stand two fearsome sentries – risk and learning. The keys to entry are faith and courage.” Robert Quinn in Deep Change: Discovering the Leader Within. (1996)