Tuesday, 11 September 2012

An Opening in the Clouds Above the Mountain

This morning when I woke up, I looked out the window (at 3 AM) and there was a strange narrow band of light above the mountain, Sierra Negra, which is across the river from where I live.  I wondered what it was, why it was there, what conditions caused it to be and then, upon musing further and looking more intensely, I could see that there was an opening in the clouds above the mountain and it must have surely been moonlight.  In checking, to be sure it was moonlight, I discovered that the moon is in a waning phase, 24% of a full moon, against a stunning backdrop of stars.  However, the clouds were covering all but this light display and there was sufficient concentration of light coming from the northeast to give me this morning gift of light upon waking.

Thinking of the possible connections, I recalled several conversations of the past few days with people who were struggling with their own mountains, challenges that they were facing in one way or another.  One had to do with a relationship that had soured, temporarily I'm sure, not nonetheless a painful experience.  Another person was dealing with financial issues and a job he doesn't like.  A third was experiencing physical pain and limitations, probably stress induced but nonetheless real and debilitating.   These challenges must seem like mountains that look and feel daunting. And what about the clouds that prevent us from seeing the whole picture?

What these friends need are what I saw this morning - an opening in the clouds above the mountain.
That is both reassuring and gives hope to those who look beyond the current prevailing conditions.
These conditions will change and the conditions of these three lovely human beings will change also.  They can be the active participants, architects of their own change for this too shall pass.  What they need is what I saw, an opening in the clouds above the mountain.   To find it, they must keep their eyes open to all that is around them and I am confident they will find what they need.

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