This memoir highlights some personal and significant learning
experiences over the past seventy years, lifting these moments from each
decade beginning in the 1940's. From World War II right up through the
most recent decade, I describe some of the experiences that
have influenced, shaped and changed me. As an educator devoted to the
pursuit and practice of lifelong learning, I am still at work,
helping others to pursue their own learning and development, whether as
leaders of schools, or as teachers, parents or community activists.
someone committed to organizational development and school reform, I am a big proponent of planned change. I believe that one of the
critical variables in the success equation is a "purposeful shared
vision." It is evident to me that the Biblical precept in the Book of
Proverbs had it right. "Where there is no vision, the people perish."
For individuals and institutions to succeed and thrive over time, change
is not only a prerequisite, it is an essential characteristic. Change
is inevitable. The question is what kind of change would you like? What
can you learn that will enable and empower the kind of change you want
and who will you be as a result? "Our journey as lifelong learners
reveals who we are as human beings, not simply human doings. When we
speak of passion and purpose beyond ourselves, we need to know what the
implications are and how we can realize more of our humanity, our own
individual and collective purpose. I believe that this realization has
enormous power to effect growth the is real and lasting." Preface p.
This small volume, (98 pgs) published September 30, 2013, is a quick read, inexpensive and available now by clicking here:
Or you can order a copy directly from me but I have to charge a bit more for shipping and handling.
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