Wednesday, 18 February 2015


The most effective leadership will include dimensions of change whether leading change in strategies, in goals, programs or personnel.  If change is inevitable, then the question is what kinds of specific change does your organization need and what resources do you need to move forward?  Do you need a cultural shift, systemic change or do you need something less disruptive?

Charts and graphs based on gathered data can illustrate past and current activity as well as projections for the future.  It is good to know where you are before setting out to continue your journey or to shift gears to go in a different direction. And, perhaps more importantly, being sure that you have enough people or the right people on board before implementing the change is a good idea.  Good leaders look behind frequently to see who is following.

The dynamics of planned change include a number of features worth serious consideration as you design a blueprint for the future.  Here are 10 questions, not meant to be an exhaustive or an exhausting list, but questions to help focus your work and make it both efficient and effective.
·      1. Who is the key, go to person for the project? 
·      2. What kind of process do you have for keeping on track and on budget?
·      3. What is the overall purpose of the change and how does it fit into the mission and existing programs of the organization?
·      4. Is the timeline reasonable and realistic?
·      5. How is progress going to be measured and reported out?
·      6. Is the change adding to or taking away and what are the consequences?
·       7.Is there adequate support, both financially and organizationally, to insure the best possible result?
·      8. Have you devoted sufficient time and resources to preparation before launching the change?
·      9. Are there any additional needs that have not surfaced previously?
·     10. Do you have plans to celebrate the success upon completion?

Sometimes, an outside change agent can help facilitate the change, either by bringing a different perspective into the discussion or by providing guidance, support and external resources based on the experiences of others who have already implemented a similar change.

Your situation requires its own specific design that will work in your environment and at this time in the history of your organization.  While there may be similarities between and among different organizations, each has its own peculiarities worth taking into account as you plan and effect the change that will help you reach your goals and determine your success.

As the one who is charged with leading your organization, it is incumbent on you, in concert with your Board, to set the goals as well as to determine what you need to achieve success in reaching those goals.    If your organization is dynamic, change is inevitable.  Therefore, design the change you want and need, monitor it carefully along the way and celebrate your arrival at the end point.
Then decide how soon you need to revisit the plan to evaluate progress.

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