These elements we accept without thinking, without a deep
sense of appreciation and yet they sustain life as we know it.
Fire - It keeps us warm and we can’t live without it whether body temperature or the proverbial fire in the belly; the furnace that both digests what we consume and drives us to do what we do. When you are “on fire” with a project, there is no holding back. Fire can cook and it can destroy. We depend on the sun and ever more so with solar power as a renewable energy source. “A day without sunshine, is you know, night.” Steve Martin
Earth - Live
close to the land, listen to its heartbeat, commune with nature and you will
never be lost. The earth, as
fragile and precious as it is, constantly renews itself, and it is our home in
space and time. We must work in
concert with the forces of nature rather than trying to harness and control
them. We have taken so much from
the earth and it might behoove us to see what we can give back. “Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that
knows poems.” Rainer Maria Rilke
Air - We cannot
see the wind, we do not know from whence it comes nor where it goes but we can
see the effects, in trees, flags, smoke and even on top of the water. We need air to breathe, cleaner air,
pure and crystal clear, unpolluted whenever possible. A clean air act won’t do anything by itself. Clean air needs living, breathing
people to insure the future “Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are,
in fact, plans to protect mankind.”
Stuart Udall
Water - The universal
solvent, covering two-thirds of the earth’s surface, water comes in many forms
whether in the oceans, or treated and potable water from wells and
aquifers. Rain, rivers, lakes and
streams, water is all around us. Floods and tides can destroy and when there is
not enough water there is drought.
Too much or not enough, either can be disastrous and the right amount is
a blessing for people, plants and animals and the earth itself. “Water is the driving force of all
nature.” Leonardo da Vinci
Spirit - In almost all world languages and cultures there is a word for
spirit. The meaning from the Greek
psyche, is “spirit” that gives life
to all animate beings. Sometimes
translated “soul” it can be understood as a force that mediates between mind
and body, between the physical world and that which cannot be seen. Spirit transcends worldly matter and
some world religions assign a deity as the creative force that brings into
being that which is not. In Latin creatio ex nihilio, creating from
nothing to bring into being that which is.
“Changing is not just changing
the things outside of us…we need the right view…of being and non-being, creator
and creature, mind and spirit.... crucial for transformation and healing.” Thich Nhat Hanh
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